Camera test lab services
Independent and objective camera testing

With over twenty-five years of testing experience, our Image Quality (iQ) Test Lab is one of the world's largest independent and objective camera test labs. Over the last few years, we have significantly expanded our testing and innovation capabilities to ensure that we continue to keep pace with rapidly advancing camera technologies. We currently offer test services for almost any industry that relies on cameras and sensors in their products or manufacturing workflows.
In addition to our experience, many of our test engineers are active members of the various standardization groups such as ISO and IEEE. This insight allows us to craft high-quality camera tests that adhere to international standards. We are closely involved in developing and publishing the IEEE-P2020 standard for automotive image quality and the VCX standard for webcam and mobile phone camera systems.
Webcam and mobile phone camera testing
Using VCX test methods for mobile phone and webcam testing

The VCX organization aims to provide objective image quality testing for mobile phone cameras and webcam systems so that consumers can make a more informed decision when purchasing a smartphone or webcam based on a final "score."
We are a trusted (fully certified) VCX testing lab for VCX-PhoneCam testing (we are currently in the process of becoming a certified test lab for VCX-WebCam testing). Using our test equipment, we have set up our lab per the specifications outlined by the VCX white paper.
In addition to offering VCX testing services, we offer most of the test equipment outlined in the VCX whitepaper. We use this equipment, such as the TE42-LL Timing test chart for timing measurements or the iQ-Headturner for webcam facial recognition testing, in the iQ-Lab when performing VCX tests.
Contact our sales team for more information on setting up a VCX test lab of your own.
Automotive Camera Testing
Using the camPAS and IEEE-P2020 test methods

Our iQ-Lab is at the forefront of automotive image quality testing. As part of the IEEE-P2020 working group, our lab engineers have assisted in developing the P2020 standard, which defines test metrics for automotive image quality performance. These metrics include contrast transfer accuracy (CTA), modulated light mitigation probability (MMP), and contrast signal-to-noise ratio (CSNR), among others. We can test automated driver assistance systems (ADAS), driving monitoring systems, and other in-cabin applications.
Our iQ-Lab uses advanced testing equipment, such as the Versatile Light System, to test the metrics according to P2020. Our lab has also developed the camPAS (Camera Performance for Automotive Systems) test to provide independent and objective test results to camera and sensor manufacturers and component suppliers as a neutral third party.
Contact the iQ-Lab to set up a camPAS test using your development specifications.
Image quality analysis software for free!
iQ-Analyzer-X is one of the market's most advanced analysis software

The iQ-Analyzer-X software uses a flexible UI interface and automatic chart detection to magnify the effectiveness and speed of the analysis. The software can also analyze individual reference data, save the results and image files to a local database, and implement custom test templates. All our most popular test charts are compatible with iQ-Analyzer-X. We can even integrate custom chart files into the software for detection (contact our support team for details).
Try it for free! We offer a free download of the iQ-Analyzer-X from our website. Check it out for yourself today.
Dietmar Wüller appointed convenor of ISO/TC 42/WG 28
WG 28 is a newly established group for machine vision applications

We are excited to announce that Dietmar Wüller has been appointed convenor of the ISO/TC 42/WG 28. Working group 28, a newly established group under the TC42, will focus on electronic imaging standards related to machine vision applications. Having been a member of the TC 42 group for years, Wüller is excited to take on the role of convenor WG 28. One of his first calls to action will be gathering the group to begin work on adapting the EMVA 1288 (European Machine Vision Association) to a new ISO standard (ISO 24942).
Join us in Hefei, China, at AutoSens!
November 19-21, 2024

We are very excited to participate in the inaugural AutoSens China, taking place November 19-21, 2024, in Hefei, China. This event promises to allow the AutoSens community to continue to grow as China's ADAS market expands rapidly. We look forward to supporting this effort and are excited by the ADAS prospects that China can offer. Make sure to stop by our booth to discuss the current standing and future of the Chinese autonomous driving market with our colleagues from Shenzhen and learn about the latest advancements in ADAS image quality testing.