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How to clean a test chart?

Transparent charts (glass frame)

Our transparent charts are usually made by embedding a film or foil between glass plates. Thus, using a simple glass cleaner and towel is the most effective way to clean the plates. Please ensure that you only use the minimum amount of fluid when cleaning to reduce the chance of damaging the chart. Wipe dry and remove any water spots on the glass.

Transparent charts (metal frame)

Many of our transparent charts are made with a metal frame. Cleaning these charts must only be done using the small air blower that we sent with the chart. Using water to clean the metal frame charts will ruin them! Always wear protective gloves to avoid fingerprints when handling the chart, as fingerprints cannot be removed from a metal frame chart.

Reflective charts

Reflective charts are a little more challenging to clean as they are made from various materials, and unlike transparent charts, the chart surface is directly accessible. Please use a soft brush or cloth to clean dust and other minor blemishes. The surface is easily damaged, so please be careful when cleaning these charts. If the blemish is not in the target area, we often recommend leaving it alone as it does not influence the chart's functionality.

How to properly store a test chart?

A test chart should never be exposed to direct sunlight and should be stored between 20° C and 25° C and a humidity of 60% - 65%. In addition, it should be stored in a dark and dry area that is free from harmful gas (e.g., formaldehyde).

Some filter foils used in transparent charts can fade, especially when exposed to sunlight (ultraviolet light). We, therefore, recommend storing the chart in its folder or chart case when not in use. Even with proper storage, we still recommend checking targets (especially color targets) annually to determine if a new reference measurement is necessary.

Reflective charts are a little more challenging to clean as they are made from various materials, and unlike transparent charts, the chart surface is directly accessible. Please use a soft brush or cloth to clean dust and other minor blemishes. The surface is easily damaged, so please be careful when cleaning these charts. If the blemish is not in the target area, we often recommend leaving it alone as it does not influence the chart's functionality.

If you have any questions regarding test chart care and maintenance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.