iQ-Analyzer-X version 1.3
The latest version of the iQ-Analyzer-X includes UTT evaluations

Version 1.3 of the iQ-Analyzer-X is now available for download. This version provides support for the UTT (Universal Test Target).
Before switching from iQ-Analyzer V6 to iQ-Analyzer-X for UTT measurements, we recommend that you first review the iQ-Analyzer-X UTT measurement support documentation. There have been a few changes to the analysis and results in the new version compared to the older version (V6).
GEOCAL version 1.2.0
Updates to the GEOCAL software and API

The latest version of the GEOCAL software is now available for download. In version 1.2.0, we introduce new plots, including quiver plot, 2D color scatter, and detection histogram. We also have a new export function where the single point rasters can be exported.
The API, meanwhile, now includes the C API in the same installer as the C++ API. We have also made improvements to point detection.
Resolution test charts
Test charts for evaluating resolution performance

Resolution is the ability of a digital camera to reproduce the details of a scene. It is one of the essential factors when determining a camera system's overall image quality performance. Using test charts with detailed targets is one of the best methods for evaluating resolution performance.
Examples of these test charts include charts with Siemens stars (TE268) and slanted edge charts (TE275). We also offer multipurpose test charts (TE42) that incorporate both Siemens stars and slanted edges.
iQ-Knowledge - Resolution
Learn more about the impact of resolution on image quality

Image resolution is the ability of a digital camera to reproduce the details of a scene. Various factors influence image resolution, including the lens quality, alignment of the components, ideal focusing, exposure time, a sensor with optical components in front of it (low pass filter, IR filter, etc.), and aperture. Learn more about the importance of resolution and the various methods for measuring the resolution performance of a camera system.
Update: Ocean Optics spectrometers
Support for Ocean Optics spectrometers is ending in 2021

At the end of this year, we will stop all technical support for the Ocean Optics spectrometers that are built into our iQ-LED devices. This change primarily affects iQ-LED devices shipped earlier than 2018.
For the past few years, we have been working with Avantes to cover our spectrometer requirements. Recalibration of the Ocean Optics spectrometers will still be available until the end of this year. Don't hesitate to get in touch with our sales department if you have any questions or concerns.