We recently partnered with Telelumen LLC to expand our illumination product offerings. The Octa Light Player from Telelumen is a multi-channel light synthesizer with an 8-channel, full-spectrum, dynamic light source with high-quality color rendering that can be installed in the ceiling and replace conventional light sources. It covers the complete temperature range of 1500K to 20000K (e.g., fire to blue sky) and can generate standard illuminants such as D50 and D65.
The Octa Light Player covers the majority of the CIE color space, including white light tuning. It can saturate or de-saturate portions of the spectrum while keeping the chromaticity constant. In addition, optional LED channels with peak wavelengths from near UV to deep red provide a broad spectral power distribution (SPD).
This light source is ideal for research environments and test labs, including camera test labs. The Octa Light Player is an excellent addition to test labs looking to control their test environment further. For camera test labs, we have found that it functions well alongside traditional standing light sources* for reflective and transparent chart illumination. It is available in standard white (see image) or black.
For further information and examples of use cases, please do not hesitate to contact us .
*This is not a recommended light source for test chart illumination. For reflective chart illumination, please see the iQ-Flatlights. For transparent chart illumination, please see the LE7 uniform lightbox.