The camPAS (Camera Performance for Automotive Systems) test concept is the latest test service offered by Image Engineering. It is a uniquely designed performance test for camera and sensor systems within the automotive industry. We offer camPAS to automotive manufacturers who need independent and objective results to support their development decisions as a neutral third party.
The automotive camera industry is experiencing an exceptional advancement in camera system technology. The push for more autonomous systems has compelled manufacturers to develop these systems even more rapidly. However, it is often difficult for the testing standards to keep up with such quickly changing technology.
Current working groups such as IEEE-P2020 (Image Engineering is a member) are working towards an internationally recognized test standard for automotive camera systems. Currently, there are no industry-wide test standards. After seeing that manufacturers are struggling to find test methods that provide unbiased results, we began developing camPAS.

Who can benefit from using camPAS?
camPAS is developed as a third-party solution for end device manufacturers and component suppliers. We provide objective results based on a custom test agreement between the manufacturer or supplier and us as the third party. The results are always kept confidential between Image Engineering and the other party and are never shared with any other entity without written consent from both sides.
The manufacturer in this situation will benefit from the expertise and customized testing that Image Engineering offers as the third party. For example, the manufacturer often chooses between multiple devices, e.g., a sensor to use in their system. To ensure they choose the device that best meets their requirements, they send us the devices to test. We then work with them to create a customized camPAS test using their specifications and perform the test. Our engineers will then provide objective results for the manufacturer to make a more informed decision.
The supplier in this scenario can also benefit from using Image Engineering as a third-party neutral consultant. Before the supplier releases their devices to the end-user manufacturer, they can send them to Image Engineering to check them using a camPAS test. Our engineers will then point out bugs, errors, and other problems to the supplier before they provide their devices to the manufacturer. We can also use these tests to accurately define relevant KPIs to make the supplier aware of their devices' capabilities. Finally, the supplier can use the results to prove that the hardware meets the manufacturer's requirements.
What tests are included in camPAS?
camPAS consists of the most important KPIs for automotive camera systems. These tests evaluate how the device performs under a variety of circumstances. Tests include contrast transfer accuracy (CTA), modulated light mitigation probability (flicker), high dynamic range (HDR), visual assessment of the low-light performance, etc. These tests are performed using the latest techniques (such as those outlined by IEEE-P2020) and equipment to ensure the highest results.
Naturally, we understand that specific devices will often need a unique or modified version of a standard test. Our engineers will work with you to create a camPAS test that best suits your needs in most of these instances.

If you are interested in a camPAS test and would like to receive more information, you can contact our test lab directly at .